Maths Formulas For Class 7

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Important Class 7 Maths Formulas

The important formulas for Class 7 Maths are provided below:

Integers Formulas1) a – b = a + additive inverse of b = a + (– b)
2) a – (– b) = a + additive inverse of (– b) = a + b
3) a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c
4) a × (– b) = (– a) × b = – (a × b)
5) (– a) × (– b) = a × b
6) (a × b) × c = a × (b × c)
7) a × (b + c) = a × b + a × c
8) a × (b – c) = a × b – a × c
9) a ÷ (–b) = (– a) ÷ b where b ≠ 0
10) (– a) ÷ (– b) = a ÷ b where b ≠ 0
11) a ÷ 0 is not defined & a ÷ 1 = a
Lines and AnglesTwo complementary angles: Measures add up to 90°
Two supplementary angles: Measures add up to 180°
Two adjacent angles: Have a common vertex and a common arm but no common interior.
Linear pair: Adjacent and supplementary
The Triangle and its PropertiesFor a triangle ABC:
Sides: AB, BC, CA
Angles: ∠BAC, ∠ABC, ∠BCA
Vertices: A, B, C

For a right-angled triangle QPR, right angles at P:
Pythagoras property (QR)2=(PQ)2+(PR)2
“In a right-angled triangle, the square on the hypotenuse = sum of the squares on the legs
Perimeter and AreaPerimeter of Square: 4a where a is the side of the square
Perimeter of Rectangle: 2(l+b) units, where l is length and b is the breadth
Area of Circle:  πr2 where r is the radius
Area of Rectangle: lb where l = length and b is the breadth
Total Surface Area (TSA) for Cube: 6a2 
TSA of cuboid
: 2(lb+bh+hl)
Algebraic Expressions(a+b)2=a2+2ab+b2(a+b)2=a2+2ab+b2
Exponents and Powerspx p= pm+n
{pm}⁄{pn} = pm-n
(pm)= pmn
p-m = 1/pm
p1 = p
P= 1

Class 7 Math Formulas

Area Formulas for 2D and 3D Figures:
Area of Circle = π rSq units, where r is the radius


Area of Rectangle = l x b Sq.units, where l = length and b is breadth

Total Surface Area for Cube = 6a2 sq.units


Total surface Area of cuboid = 2(lb+bh+hl) Sq.units

Perimeter Formulas
Square = 4s units, where s is side of square


Rectangle= 2(l+b) units, where l is length and b is breadth

Volume Formulas:
Volume of Cube = a3 cu.units


Volume of Sphere=4/3 π r3 cu.units, where r is the radius of the sphere.

Volume of Cylinder= π r2h cu.units, where r is the radius of the base, h is the height of the cylinder.

The widespread usage of mathematics in day-to-day life makes it important to have a basic understanding of the class 7 math formulas. Usually, students tend to lose their interest in maths due to the complexity that comes with remembering the formulas. Hence, this article makes sure that the students are relieved from the stress of mugging up the class 7 math formulas by presenting them in the most concise manner, along with some very practical tips which if included in daily routine would benefit the students in the long run.

List of Important Maths Formulas for Class 7

  • ax / ay = ax-y
  • ax /bx = (a/b)x
  • (ax)y = axy
  • (a-b-c)2 = a2 + b2 + c2 – 2ab + 2bc – 2ac
  • Increase in Percentage = (Change / Original Amount ) × 100
  • Profit percent = (Profit / Cost price) × 100
  • Simple Interest = (Principal × Rate × Time) / 100
  • Amount = Principal + Interest
  • Pythagoras Theorem : (Hypotenuse)2 = (Adjacent Side)2 + (Opposite Side)2
  • Area of a Circle = πr 2, where ‘r’ is the radius of a circle and π = 22/7 or 3.14

Rational Numbers Class 7 Math Formulas

The rational numbers class 7 math formulas help students to get an idea of performing arithmetic operations on rational numbers.

  • Product of rational numbers = (Product of Numerators) / (Product of Denominators)
  • First Rational Number × (Reciprocal of other Rational Number)

Practical Geometry Class 7 Math Formulas

The simple shapes that we see around us have their own importance and usage in our daily activities. Hence, the practical geometry class 7 math formulas help the students to learn more about these shapes and the calculations involved with their dimensions.

  • Area of a Square = Side2
  • Perimeter of a Square = 4 × Side
  • Area of Rectangle = Length × Breadth
  • Perimeter of a Rectangle = 2 × (Length + Breadth)
  • Area of a Parallelogram = Base × Height
  • Area of Triangle = 1/ 2 × Base × Height
  • Circumference of a circle = π d, where ‘d’ is the diameter of a circle and π = 22/7 or 3.14
  • Area of a circle = πr2

Exponents and Power Formulas for Class 7 Maths

An exponent represents the value which refers to the number of times a number is multiplied by itself. For example, 4 × 4 × 4 can be written as 43. Here, 4 is the base and 3 is the exponent. The formulas (laws) related to exponents help to carry out multiple operations while dealing with large numbers. Here is a list of the different laws of exponents that are used:

  • Law of Product: am × an = am+n
  • Law of Quotient: am/an = am-n
  • Law of Zero Exponent: a0 = 1
  • Law of Negative Exponent: a-m = 1/am
  • Law of Power of a Power: (am)n = amn
  • Law of Power of a Product: (ab)m = ambm
  • Law of Power of a Quotient: (a/b)m = am/bm

Comparing Quantities Formulas for Class 7 Maths

In our daily lives, we come across instances where we need to compare two quantities. They might be weights, wages or grades, etc. Hence, it is important to have a clear understanding of ratios and proportions. Ratio is the comparison between two quantities of the same units which shows how much of one quantity is present in the other quantity.

  • If any two ratios need to be compared, it can be done so by converting them to like fractions. The two given ratios are equivalent if the two fractions are equal. 
  • For any four quantities, if their two ratios are equivalent, then those four quantities are said to be proportionate.
  • Increase in Percentage = (Change / Original Amount ) × 100
  • Profit percent = (Profit / Cost price) × 100
  • Simple Interest = (Principal × Rate × Time) / 100
  • Amount = Principal + Interest

Algebra Formulas for Class 7 Maths

Variables and constants are used to create algebraic expressions. The algebraic entities mentioned below will help the students deal with variables and constants that need to be added, subtracted, divided or multiplied in order to form an algebraic equation.

  • The numerical value in the term is called the coefficient.
  • On adding two algebraic expressions the like terms are added together while unlike ones are left out as they are.
  • (a-b)2 = a2 – 2ab + b2 
  • (a-b-c)2 = a2 + b2 + c2 – 2ab + 2bc – 2ac

Applications of Class 7 Maths Formulas

Class 7 math formulas cover the very basic and practical formulas that have their applicability in various spheres of life.

  • The class 7 math formulas help in understanding the functioning of daily activities. Whether it is the calculation of profit and loss, or calculating interest on money, these formulas are used everywhere.
  • The mensuration and geometry formulas help in calculating the dimensions of shapes that we come across in our daily life. For example, if one needs to find out how many bricks are needed to build a room, then the knowledge of practical geometry formulas are used.
  • Algebraic formulas give us the power to find the unknown values. Any problem that has an unknown variable can be framed in terms of an algebraic equation, and with the help of the algebraic entities, it can be easily solved.

Tips to Memorize Class 7 Maths Formulas

The class 7 math formulas can be easily learnt using a few tips given below.

  • It is better to focus on one topic or one formula at a time. Once that one concept or formula becomes clear then only move further to the next topic. To do this the students must ensure that they practice enough problems related to that formula so that they are clear with the logic behind it.
  • Whenever students are practising problems, they must also practice writing a step-by-step description of the problem, which are called problem statements. This helps in co-relating between the problem statement and the formula to be used, thereby also ensuring a good habit of learning formulas by writing.
  • The students must take advantage of the technology and the devices that they use on an everyday basis. They can download some formula wallpapers and set them as their screensaver on their mobile and laptops. This will make sure that every time they take a look at their device, they are bound to revise a formula or two.

Class 7 Maths Formulas Examples

Example 1: The Cost price of a bag is Rs. 250. If it is sold at Rs. 300, find the profit earned and the profit percentage.


Cost Price of the bag = Rs. 250; Selling price = Rs. 300

Since the selling price is more than the cost price there is profit in the transaction. Profit = Selling price = Cost Price

Substituting the values in the formula, Profit = 300 – 250 = 50

Profit percentage = (Profit /Cost price) × 100

Substituting the values in the formula, Profit percentage = (50/250) × 100 = 20%. Therefore, the profit percentage is 20% .

Example 2: What is the area of a rectangle with length 10 units and breadth (width) 5 units?

Solution :

Area of rectangle = Length × Breadth

Area of one wall = 10 × 5 = 50 square units. 

Therefore, the area of the rectangle is 50 square units.

Integers Formulas for Class 7

Fractions and Decimals Formulas for Class 7

Data Handling Formulas for Class 7

Lines and Angles Formulas for Class 7

The Triangle and Its Properties Formulas for Class 7

Congruence of Triangles Formulas for Class 7

Rational Numbers Formulas for Class 7

Algebraic Expressions Formulas for Class 7

Exponents and Powers Formulas for Class 7

Symmetry Formulas for Class 7

FAQs on Class 7 Maths Formulas

What are the Important Formulas for Class 7 Math?

The class 7 math formulas cover the basics of integers, rational numbers, practical geometry, algebra, exponents and powers. The important formulas related to these topics are given below :

  • ax / ay = ax-y
  • ax /bx = (a/b)x
  • (ax)y = axy
  • (a-b-c)2 = a+ b2 + c2 – 2ab + 2bc – 2ac
  • Perimeter of a Rectangle = 2 × (Length + Breadth)
  • Area of a Parallelogram = Base × Height
  • Area of Triangle = 1/ 2 × Base × Height
  • Pythagoras Theorem : (Hypotenuse)2 = (Adjacent Side)2 + (Opposite Side)2
  • Circumference of a circle = π d, where ‘d’ is the diameter of a circle and π = 22/7 or 3.14
  • Area of a Circle = πr2

What are the Basic Formulas in Class 7 Maths?

The basic formulas covered in class 7 math are the entities of algebraic expressions, laws related to exponents and powers, ratio proportion, calculation of profit and loss as well as interest under the topic of comparison of quantities, and the study of area and perimeters of shapes in practical geometry.

What are the important formulas covered in Class 7 Exponents and Powers?

The topic of Class 7 Exponents and Powers has the following laws of exponents that help in easing out the calculations involving large numbers.

  • Law of Product: am × an = am+n
  • Law of Quotient: am/an = am-n
  • Law of Zero Exponent: a0 = 1
  • Law of Negative Exponent: a-m = 1/am
  • Law of Power of a Power: (am)n = amn
  • Law of Power of a Product: (ab)m = ambm
  • Law of Power of a Quotient: (a/b)m = am/bm

How Many Formulas are there in Class 7 Maths?

Class 7 maths encompasses a range of topics starting from the integers, fractions, decimals, rational numbers, ratio, proportion, profit loss, interest to algebra, and geometry. There are around forty major formulas spread across these topics. Each of these topics has around five important basic concepts or facts that the students must remember to proceed with problem-solving. 

How can I Memorize Class 7 Maths formulas?

The students are advised to focus on completing one formula at a time. They must cover maximum problems related to that formula to ensure that they are clear with its logic. Further, they must also inculcate the habit of writing down all the steps that they follow while solving the problems including the formula as well, rather than just substituting the values and rushing to get the answer. Writing down will help them get a clear picture of the formula every time they write it down.

The students can also set the formula wallpapers on their mobile screen and computer. Since these devices are accessed throughout the day these days this will ensure a quick reminder for the students to revise their formulas on the go.

Q1: What are the formulas in maths?

A: Formulas in Mathematics are a set of rules or relationship that uses numbers, letters or numbers and letters to solve a query. Example: (a+b)2=a2+2ab+b2

Q2: How can I learn math in class 7?

A: Class 7 Maths has 15 chapters that are advanced versions of topics from Class 6. To learn Class 7 Maths easilt=yu you must practice the questions and understand the concepts. You can use the Maths formulas provided by us fro your preparation.Q3: Where will I find the Integers formula for class 7?

A: The integer formulas such as a × (– b) = (– a) × b = – (a × b) are available in this article. You can view them here.

Q3: Where will I find the Integers formula for class 7?

A: The integer formulas such as a × (– b) = (– a) × b = – (a × b) are available in this article. You can view them here.Q4: What are the Class 7 Maths Chapter 11 formulas?

A: Class 7 Maths Chapter 11 is Perimeter and Area and its formulas are given in this article.

Math Formulas ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐

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